This is one of the rare times both servers are down. GG went down yestarday, will be back Monday after i notify them. Phobs backup is down for routine maintenence.
Thanks Frank...I knew I was on last night and the couldnt access today...I was afraid I had somehow inadvertantly "screwed" with my files...I knew I had not opened them intentionally but it sure seems some strange things occur on this pc,,,such as things missng and deleted...everyone always tells me"I didnt do it" it makes me tend to think I am the idiot that does it without being aware of it..anyway thank you much man...I will check back later and see if Phobic is back...hey,has deer season opened there yet...muzzleloading started today but I lay in bed and refused to hear the alarm...I guess I needed the of my brothers got one this morning but I havent heard yet if it was a big one...anyway,hope you get to take your son this year and hope you guys get some take care and will see you in tt...Tim Dolen
Its rare but Garage Games master and Phobiks went down together. This happened before and will probably happen again. They should both be back on soon.
at least I know it is'nt my program files...ever since I opened them up,I think I have screwed something up somewhere...just have'nt figured out yet what it is...anyway,thanks for posting,...redrabbit